Postmortem Identity Theft

Identity theft is very common in today’s world. It is very easy for almost anyone to get all kinds of information about you either on the Internet, by calling and tricking you into disclosing information, or even from mail you might leave in your vehicle or home. A...

Medical Identity Theft

Medical identity theft is often overlooked on television and newspapers but is growing extremely rapidly. People are unable to get medical coverage easily and desperate times can drive many people to take very desperate measures. Unless you have a medical condition,...

Identity Theft with Social Security Numbers

One of the most damaging types of identity theft is more common than you think. Do you make sure you don’t have your social security card in your wallet or purse? Do you shred every document you have with your social security number on it after you don’t need it...

Identity Theft Victims

Everyone has heard about identity theft and what happens to the victims. Who are the victims though? How did they even get into that terrible situation? Most of us naturally assume this could never happen to us because, let’s face it, we live pretty boring lives....

Identity Theft and the Computer

The home computer is one of the newer places for identity theft to occur. Many people don’t understand how it can happen to them but later realize they really messed up using online services that just weren’t secure. An intelligent identity thief can easily get...