Misleading Credit Card Fees

If you’re like me, you looked around for a good credit card processor with a low rate, signed up, and didn’t look back. After all, you’re too busy to try figure out all those lines on the credit card statement right? Unfortunately, that turned out to...

Women’s Rights

In previous years, generations ago women were considered property of the husband or father to whom they belonged. Now as we have progressed into the 21st century women have stepped up to the plate and are an integral part of society and politics, on an entirely equal...

The Fairness of Limited Liability

Limited liability is one of the most successful commercial creations of all time, almost singularly responsible for the growth and expansion of capitalism. Encouraging risk and promoting successful enterprise through both small and large businesses alike, limited...

Straight Marriages – Gay Unions

The debate of gay marriages has been a very hot political topic for many years and with being such a hot topic it is almost astounding the number of places that have come out publicly either for or against the topic. While there are few states who allow the idea of a...